14 Best Tasting Herbal Teas (that you'll actually love drinking)

Feb 6, 2020
Does your first memory of a herbal tea include a bitter tasting concoction from herbal pharmacy? You are not alone. The good news is, not all herbal teas are like that. Some of them are so delicious you will want to drink them every day. We made a list of best tisanes that could easily find a way to your heartif you only let them. This list doesn’t contain any fruit teas, only herbs, flowers, roots and spices.

1. If you have a sweet tooth

Some teas are naturally very sweet. The most popular among them is licorice, a plant that has a very sweet root. Licorice is very popular for making candies too, especially in northern European countries. Dry root pieces are often found in different herbal blends to add sweetness to the blend and provide additional benefits. It’s often used for many health problemsfrom stomach issues, to soothing throat, treating hepatitis B and managing stress and anxiety. However, too much licorice can cause some very serious side effects. Should you worry? A cup of tea blend with licorice is likely to be within the daily limit and you may enjoy many benefits that this root can provide. However, be careful if you are suffering from high blood pressure, and consult your doctor before including this tea into your diet.

2. If your tea should be refreshing

There is no better refreshment that a cup of delicious mint tea. But not all mints are the same. Out of two most popular mints, peppermint and spearmint, peppermint contains much more menthol than spearmint. Menthol will give a much fresher flavor, so peppermint tea is great for freshening body, mind andbreath. Read more about the benefits of peppermint tea here.

3. If you enjoy sour flavors

With a beautiful intense purple color and tarty and sour flavor, hibiscus tea is a great choice for making both iced teas and hot drinks. It blends perfectly with other fruits, too, and herbs, such as rosemary. Hibiscus is naturally sour, and flavor may be compared to the sourness of some berries. Infusion has an intense, vivid red color, unlike any other fruit or herbal tea.

4. If you want the flavor of a light green tea

If you like the flavor of light green tea but want to avoid caffeine, Green Rooibos may be the best replacement. This tea won’t become bitter even when over-steeped, may provide dozens of benefits and tastes deliciouspure or in blends. Green rooibos comes from the same bush as the red rooibos tea, but just like green and black teas, it’s produced differently.

5. If you want peachy flavors

The most fruity of all herbal teas is osmanthus flower tea. It’s not common in western countries, but in Mainland China and Taiwan, osmanthus is one of the top flowers for scenting pure tea leaves, very often oolong tea. These small yellow flowers have an incredible peachy scent and lightly sweet flavor. They are very easy to brew. For a blend with osmanthus flowers, check Ebony Osmanthus, our take on scenting with this delicious flowers.

6. If you like basil

Tulsi, or the Holy Basil, is an Indian adaptogenic herb that may help naturally deal with all types of stress. Tulsi has a flavor very similar to regular cooking basil. It’s a common ingredient in Ayurvedic blends and makes a delicious soothing cup.

7. If you want a hidden gem

Olive leaf tea is one of the best hidden gems in the world of herbal tea. Although the name may give an impression that it will taste same as olives, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Olive leaf has a sweet, delicate and refreshing flavor, with no bitterness at all. It may provide benefits for people with a heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes[1].

8. If you need a dose of sophistication

Rose, a queen among herbal flower teas, is one of those teas you either love or hate. If you love it, it’s likely to be one of your favorite teas ever. Pure rose petals make a great cup of tea, and add a touch of sophistication to any pure real tea. Rose Black tea is almost a classic among scented blends, but these beautiful petals blend well with all other types of tea toowhite, green, oolong and dark.

9. If you are ready to find your new favorite flower tea

Chrysanthemum tea is a traditional Chinese flower tea, made from different chrysanthemum flowers and usually drank pure, both because of its flavor and health benefits. Chrysanthemum tea has an anti oxidative properties[2] and is often a tea of choice during hot weather. Chrysanthemum tea tastes light, refreshing, flowery and a bit sweet.

10. If you like earthly sweet flavors

Although we wanted to include red rooibos on this list, this south African bush is somewhat of an acquired taste. Instead, to get unique earthly notes, cacao husk tea is the answer. This tea is a great option if you want a flavor similar to chocolate, but with an earthy note and light flavor. This tea contains no sugar.

11. If you need a delicious relaxation

One study showed that inhaling jasmine oil may bring out positive emotions, such as the feeling of well-being and fresh, and reduce the drowsiness[3]. If you like the scent of jasmine, or even jasmine scented green tea, you will love pure jasmine buds tea too. This tea is easy to brew and smells divine.

12. To warm yourself up with a spicy flavor

Ginger is the ultimate classic of all home-made herbal teas. Ginger is an ingredient in many blendsincluding the popular warming Chai. It will add a spicy note and instantly warm you up. If you prefer to drink pure ginger tea, you can easily make one at home using fresh ginger, peeling and slicing it and cooking in a small saucepan. Add lemon and sugar if needed.

13. If lemons are what makes you happy...

then lemongrass may be your cup of tea. Lemongrass has a very fresh, rejuvenating lemony scent, but with a herbaceous note. It’s great both in blends or pure. Lemongrass is not only delicious, it possesses many potential propertiesanti-amoebic, antibacterial, antidiarrheal, antifilarial, antifungal and anti inflammatory[4]being some of them. Another interesting lightly lemony, lightly minty and sweet tea is lemon balm, which may be more suitable if you prefer more herbal flavors.

14. If you want the ultimate delicious classic herbal flavor

Chamomile tea is the most classical herbal tea in the world. It’s one of the teas every tea drinker around the world tried. Chamomile is available in tea bags and loose form, with loose one being much sweeter and delicious. Read more about different chamomile teas here.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It’s not intended to replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Every person is different and may react to different herbs and teas differently. Never use teas or herbs to treat serious medical conditions on your own. Always seek professional medical advice before choosing home remedies.


[1] https://olivewellnessinstitute.org/olive-leaf/olive-leaf-tea/ [2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6359479/ [3] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236235613_The_effects_of_jasmine_Oil_inhalation_on_brain_wave_activies_and_emotions [4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3217679/

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